Table 1. All the research questions (main RQ and the sub RQs) – the emphasis on the main RQ and the following sub-research questions to help answer the main RQ.
Table 2. Summary of the content and the purpose of the three Kumu maps created for this research.
Table 3. Eight main categories for the critical survey and review of the state-of-the-art precedents that support USS propositions, and another category (9th) to critique the current B-A-U development model in coastal cities. These S-O-T-A and B-A-U cases are presented throughout the monograph to support a particular argument in various chapters.
Table 4. An overview of the research questions, the initial hypothesis and the overall research contributions of Urban Seascaping. The methods used to attain the outcomes are: Literature review, Case study, Expert interviews, Fieldwork (i.e. site visits, workshops and meetings) and Research-through-design via mapping.
Table 5. A list of all the main GIS data sources for Denmark (not an exhaustive list).
Table 6. Profile of the interviewees (experts) for the initial period of research (see Appendix 3 and 4 for interview notes and transcriptions).
Table 7. Profile of the interviewees: The winning entrants and advisors for Kanten/The Edge design competition.
Table 8. Profile of the interviewees (experts) during the research stay in New Zealand (see Appendix 6 for interview notes and transcriptions).
Table 9. Profile of the interviewees (experts) for the latter part of this research (see Appendix 7-9 for interview notes and transcriptions).
Table 10. A public event with Havhøst in the Kattegat Centre in Grenå Oceanarium.
Table 11. A public seaweed festival with various organisations and companies in Denmark in Nykøbing.
Table 12. A tour with the marine biologist from Auckland University around the Goat Island Marine discovery centre and the marine reserve.
Table 13. A workshop with The Algae Platform (Luma Arles) with Space Caviar in V-A-C Foundation, Venice.
Table 14. NordSalt workshop organised by marine biologists from SDU in Odense.
Table 15. Site visit and a field trip to Gyldensteen Strand, Denmark, with students from SDU.
Table 16. Notes from a workshop conducted via the Realdania research network and Vejle Municipality.
Table 17. Excel table of all the possible red macroalgae (that is visible size) in Vejle fjord (inner to outer fjord). Data on the depth they are likely to grow, typical size, common names, etc. are all contained in the excel sheet (the information in the excel sheet has been simplified and reduced in this table). Based on sources from: Lundsteen and Nielsen (2019a, 2019b), Naturbasen (n.d.) and MarLIN (n.d.).
Table 18. Excel table of all the possible green macroalgae (that is visible size) in the inner Vejle fjord. Based on sources from: Lundsteen and Nielsen (2019a, 2019b), Naturbasen (n.d.) and MarLIN (n.d.).
Table 19. Excel table of all the possible brown macroalgae (i.e. kelp – Laminaria family) in Vejle fjord (i.e. inner fjord). Based on sources from: Lundsteen and Nielsen (2019a, 2019b), Naturbasen (n.d.) and MarLIN (n.d.).