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Appendix 2: The profiles of all the interviewees

The first round of expert interviewees:







Ole G. Mouritsen


Expert in: History of seaweed in Denmark and seaweed as food.

06/11/19, 14:30 CEST
Duration: 1.5hrs


In-person in a café in Aarhus C


See Appendix 3 for interview notes

Ole is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Copenhagen (KU) in the Department of Food Science. He is a physicist and professor of gastrophysics and culinary food innovation. He wrote a book called “Seaweeds: Edible, Available & Sustainable” in 2014 (both in Danish and translated into English) (University of Copenhagen, 2007).

Joachim Hjerl

Expert in: Seaweed as food, community outreach and marine education.

03/12/19, 13:00 CEST

Duration: 1.5hrs


In-person at the Havhøst headquarters: Slagtehusgade 11, 1715 København V

Joachim is the founder and director of Havhøst, where he is the project manager and concept developer/entrepreneur. Havhøst (Sea Harvest) is an association of maritime utility gardens, NGOs, schools, businesses and citizens who promote regenerative cultivation in the sea and invite as many as possible to take part in the blue-green transition through educational programs and food festivals (Havhøst, n.d.).


(Note: This interview was in the combination of touring the Havhøst headquarters in Copenhagen. Additionally, I was able to meet him on several other occasions due to Havhøst’s various activities and workshops). 

Michael Palmgren


Expert in: Community outreach, marine restoration, ocean literacy and marine education.

23/11/19, 12:00 CEST
Duration: 1hr


In-person at the Marine Education Centre: Ribersborgsstigen 4, 216 13 Malmö, Sweden


See Appendix 4 for notes

Michael Palmgren (a marine biologist) is one of the founders of the Marine Education Centre (Marint Kunskapscenter) in Malmö, Sweden. Since the 1970’s Michael has been working on numerous issues related to the sea. For the past 25 years, he has used various educational tools to help raise awareness about the sea among the general public. He is also involved in marine restoration projects and lectures internationally on Ocean Literacy (SMKC, 2022).


(Note: This interview also involved a tour of the Marine Education Centre). 

Lasse Hornbek Nielsen


Expert in: Seaweed cultivation (on-land) and seaweed as food, automated marine cultivation systems.

01/07/20, 10:00 CEST

Duration: 1hr


In-person at Pure Algae headquarters: Færgevej 2B 8500 Grenå


Interviews notes are not publicly available due to sensitive information.

Lasse is the current head of development and operations at Pure Algae (a marine biologist). Pure Algae is Denmark’s first supplier of technology that enables stable and sustainable production of seaweed on land. The intention of the technology is to grow high-quality and allergen-free seaweed with its automated, closed and controlled systems (Pure Algae, 2022).


(Note: This interview was in a combination of attending Havhøst’s public workshop on promoting awareness of seaweed as food and as art at the Kattegat Center in Grenå, Denmark). 

Table 6. Profile of the interviewees (experts) for the initial period of research (see Appendix 3 and 4 for interview notes and transcriptions).

The second round of expert interviews. The interviews were recorded but were not made publicly available to protect the opinions of the winning entrants.







Kanten/The Edge competition: 1st place winners.


Josephine Philipsen,

Andres Hernandez and

Luisa Brando


With Cintia Organo Quintana


Experts in: Urban landscapes dealing with river-related projects

24/11/20, 15:00 CEST

Duration: 1.5hrs




Interviews notes are not publicly available due to sensitive information.

The project team consisted of three participants. Josephine Philipsen, a Swedish landscape architect from Malmo, Andres Hernandez, a Columbian architect from Bogota and Luisa Brando, a Spanish artist/architect from Madrid. This was the only team that consisted only of international members out of the winning entries. They consulted a marine biologist for their project. They worked together through the whole duration of the competition online due to the COVID-19 lockdowns.


Andres Hernandez:

Luisa Brando:

Josephine Philipsen:

Kanten/The Edge competition: 2nd place winners.


(Absent: Jonathan Houser) and

Jonas Lambert


With Cintia Organo Quintana


Experts in: Urban landscapes dealing with “landscape art” projects

24/11/20, 13:00 CEST

Duration: 1.5hrs




Interviews notes are not publicly available due to sensitive information.

The project team consisted of two participants, Jonathan Houser, a Danish artist/architect from Copenhagen and Jonas Lambert, a Danish architect/landscape architect from Copenhagen. They have been working for different practices in Denmark.


Jonathan Houser: (absent at the interview)

Jonas Lambert:

Kanten/The Edge competition: 3rd place winners.


Karen Gamborg Knudsen and

Kasper Magnussen

With Cintia Organo Quintana


Experts in: Art installations and urban landscapes dealing with “landscape art” projects.

13/11/20, 13:00 CEST

Duration: 1.5hrs




Interviews notes are not publicly available due to sensitive information.

The project team consisted of two participants from a small Danish interdisciplinary architecture/art practice called, Gamborg/Magnussen, based in Copenhagen. Their portfolio covers projects in Denmark and abroad.


Karen Gamborg Knudsen: 

Kasper Magnussen:

Kanten/The Edge competition: Special mention



Rasmus Rosengren Nielsen
(Absent: Baldios)

With Cintia Organo Quintana



Experts in: Public art, sculptures, video art, paintings, urbanism, interspecies living,

19/11/20, 10:00 CEST

Duration: 2hrs


In-person at SUPERFLEX studio:

Nyborggade 13
DK-2100 Copenhagen


Interviews notes are not publicly available due to sensitive information.

The project team consisted of at least two members, an art collective called SUPERFLEX (represented by Rasmus Rosengren Nielsen), in collaboration with a Portuguese landscape architecture firm called Baldios. This is the only winning entry to have a transdisciplinary team (including close collaborations with marine biologists). SUPERFLEX is a well-known art collective founded in 1993 based in Copenhagen. Their entry for Kanten/The Edge design competition is an extension of the work they have been doing for several years in collaboration with marine biologists (SUPERFLEX, 2022).


(Note: This interview was in a combination of attending SUPERFLEX’s studio in Copenhagen, where I was able to observe their other similar projects running in parallel). 

Table 7. Profile of the interviewees: The winning entrants and advisors for Kanten/The Edge design competition.







Elizabeth Macpherson


Expert in: Legal frameworks for environmental protection, Nature resource law, environmental law, water law, indigenous rights

15/04/21, 11:00 NZST

Duration: 1.5hrs




See Appendix 6 for notes

Elizabeth MacPherson is an associate professor at the Faculty of Law of Canterbury University in New Zealand. She has research expertise in indigenous and environmental rights to natural resources, particularly indigenous water rights in Australasia (i.e. Te Awa Tupua - Whanganui River Claims Settlement Act 2017) and Latin America.

Hamish Rennie


Expert in: Urban planning, policy and regulatory frameworks (resource management act in New Zealand), the intrinsic value of ecological systems, management of commons (water)

19/05/21, 13:00 NZST

Duration: 1.5hrs


In-person at the Lincoln University campus

Hamish Rennie is an associate professor at Lincoln University in the Department of Environmental Management (Faculty of Environment, Society and Design). His research area is geography, environmental planning and management, with a special focus on the management of commons (e.g., oceans, freshwater, biodiversity), especially multi-layered commons.

He has been working toward investigating ways to establish formal and informal institutions to achieve sustainable, resilient communities by shaping coastal policy.

Table 8. Profile of the interviewees (experts) during the research stay in New Zealand (see Appendix 6 for interview notes and transcriptions).







Teis Boderskov


Expert in: Large-scale seaweed/kelp cultivation (blue growth), vertical farming, sustainable alternatives to industrial fishing, seaweed as food and water purification.

24/11/21, 15:00 CEST

Duration: 0.5hrs


Phone call


See Appendix 7 for notes

Teis Boderskov is part of Aarhus University’s research team in the Department of Ecoscience – Marine Ecology. He has been working on the development of macroalgae (Sukkertang/Sugar kelp, Ulva and S. Latissima) and blue mussels’ cultivation with various case study sites in Denmark. He has valuable hands-on experience cultivating seaweed in Denmark's challenging coastal waters.

Steen Hedrup


Expert in: Seaweed cultivation, seaweed as food and community outreach (nature guide), Vejle fjord.

03/12/21, 10:00 CEST

Duration: 1hr



See Appendix 8 for notes

Steen has been working with Vejle Municipality as a Nature Guide for over 25 years. He is also the Vice-Chairman of the local Havhøst association/Vejle Fjordhave (sea garden, marine utility garden) for Vejle Fjord, growing blue mussels and seaweed for local consumption. He has valuable hands-on experience with cultivating seaweed in the challenging coastal waters of Vejle Fjord and his work with raising awareness of nature in Vejle among locals and visitors.

Mads Fjeldsø Christensen


Expert in: Ecological restoration projects, eutrophication/water pollution, Vejle fjord, local engagements and dissemination (marine stewardship).

06/12/21, 10:00 CEST

Duration: 1.5hrs




Interviews notes are not publicly available due to sensitive information

Mads is a biologist in training and the project manager for the “Sund Vejle Fjord” (Healthy Vejle Fjord) project for Vejle Municipality (Natur & Udeliv Teknik & Miljø in Vejle Kommune). He has been behind in attaining funding for the project and is working with numerous local associations and researchers to improve the ecological conditions of Vejle Fjord (see section 1.4.1 for more details on the “Sund Vejle Fjord” project). He is also involved in the dissemination of the progress of the project to the local public.

Dorte Krause-Jensen


Expert in: Seaweed species in Denmark, climate change, blue carbon, eelgrass/seagrass, nature-based solution, protection, restoration, monitoring and management of marine vegetation.




See Appendix 9 for notes

Dorte is a marine biologist and a professor in the Department of Bioscience and Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University. She is one of the leading experts in macroalgae research in Denmark, especially regarding their potential use in mitigating climate change.


(Note: This interview was in combination with attending the NordSalt workshop in SDU Odense. She was one of the organisers of the workshop). 

Table 9. Profile of the interviewees (experts) for the latter part of this research (see Appendix 7-9 for interview notes and transcriptions).



Last updated: Mar 2024

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