AAA - Aarhus School of Architecture (Arkitektskolen Aarhus)
AU - Aarhus University
B-A-U - Business-as-usual
DKK - Danish Kroner
DMI - Danish Meteorological Institute
DTU - Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
ES - Ecosystem services
GHG - Greenhouse gas
GIS - Geographic information system
IEA - International Energy Agency
IOC - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IPBES - Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPLCs - Indigenous People and Local Communities
ISC - International Science Council
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
KU - University of Copenhagen (København Universitet)
LUDP - Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Planning
MPA - Marine Protected Area
NIMBY - Not-in-my-back-yard
NbS - Nature-based solutions
QGIS - Quantum Geographic Information System
RCP - Representative Concentration Pathway
RQ - Research question
RtD - Research-through-design
SDU - University of Southern Denmark
SLR - Sea-level rise
S-O-T-A - State-of-the-art
SROCC - Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
SRQ - Sub-research question
SS - Storm surge
SSTA - Scaled System Thinking Approach
TBC - To be confirmed
UN - The United Nations
UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
USS - Urban Seascaping
WCRP - World Climate Research Programme
WMO - World Meteorological Organization