4.1 MAP 1: Multiscalar mapping as deep site analysis
Figure 104. The master map is arranged in a multiscalar format in Kumu, developed and hosted online, which is interactive for the users (go to www.urbanseascaping.com for access) (Kumu, 2020). The numerous circular nodes are embedded with various types of analysis, which appear by clicking on them (a side window opens displaying images, videos, texts, animated GIFs and maps). The main scalar nodes are compiled in the centre linearly, ranging from the global scale to the seaweed scale from the water perspective. These seven major scales/networks are mapped and connected to mini nodes, representing sub-sections of each major scale. The nodes are connected with lines to indicate the network of interrelationships. A dashed line represents a more indirect relationship between nodes, while a solid line represents a more direct causal relationship between nodes. The multi-scalar nodes are enveloped by Urban Seascaping's four main propositions (main outer ring) that drive the overall direction and content of the mapping process.
Note: Some of the contents (maps, diagrams, images) from the nodes of the Kumu maps have been used throughout the monograph as supporting materials. Moreover, not all the contents embedded into the Kumu maps have been described and used in the analysis in this chapter.
The following analyses assess the case competition by exploring its contribution as a state-of-the-art case study for nature-based solutions in coastal protection/adaptation. This also involves taking notice of any shortfalls due to practical constraints (i.e. costs, ownership, resource, time limit and other practicalities). I will also explore key learnings from being involved throughout the competition process as an advisor, with the potential role of advisors in shaping outcomes. It is important to note that the purpose of the following analysis of the competition brief and the entries is not to denounce the efforts of Vejle Municipality and the participants but to explore further what it would take to implement these NbS coastal protection systems at a much larger scope.
The assessments are conducted via a research-through-design mapping framework developed by Kumu (refer to the Part II Methodology chapter, section 2.2 for more details) using the Multiscalar map. The multiscalar Kumu map starts at the Kanten/The Edge scale, exploring the design competition brief, judging process and entries and zooms in and out to interconnected macro (global scale) and micro scalar (seaweed scale) contexts as shown in Figure 104 below. As such, the following sections will go through each scale of the map one by one, exploring the different actors and perspectives, stakeholders and issues made visible by the different levels of analysis.