While the current research project is situated in a transdisciplinary context, the scope of the research is still within the disciplines of the creative fields such as landscape architecture and urban design (LUDP). Furthermore, it is important to outline the limits to transdisciplinary work, especially in disciplines where I have limited expertise, such as marine biology, coastal engineering and policymaking and to bring this knowledge back to the realms of LUDP in a palpable manner (see section 2.1.3 for more details).
It is worth mentioning that while seaweed was chosen as the marine life form on the basis that it is the least explored in coastal adaptation strategies, the research questions are not answered exclusively through seaweed, as the reality of the marine world is inextricably interconnected, making it difficult to isolate and focus solely on seaweed[75].
Moreover, this research is limited in its opportunity to test the design explorations at a 1:1 scale in-situ study or via computer-simulated experiments to generate more positivistic data outcomes. Furthermore, conducting research during COVID-19 influenced the overall direction of the research, as participatory aspects of the design process were difficult to explore (see section 5.4 Future research avenues for more details - where I discuss further research avenues that were not part of the scope of this PhD).
[75] For example, while seaweed is edible to humans and thus has a better potential to infiltrate the local sustainable food culture, eelgrass has more visibility and recognition in Denmark. Moreover, making conditions only favourable for seaweed (i.e. hard surfaces) is not appropriate for eelgrass, but hard surfaces invite other organisms, such as blue mussels to thrive.